Conventional Abrasive Grinding Wheels

Innogrind provides bonded abrasive tools divided into Vitrified bond and Resin bond abrasive tools, includes all kinds of shapes with the size from 2mm to 1500mm in diameter. With the premium performance, these tools are widely used for Surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, internal grinding and centerless grinding on universal grinder and special purpose grinder.

Wheel Specification

Abrasive Code

Abrasive Type Code Color
Alumina A Brown
White Fused Alumina WA White
Pink Fused Alumina PA Pink
Zirconium Alumina ZA Grey White
Microcrystalline Fused Alumina MA Brown
Monocrystalline Fused Alumina SA Grey White
Green Silicon Carbide GC Green
Black Silicon Carbide C Black

Grit Of Abrasives

Grit of abrasives effects directly the surface quality of workpiece and grinding efficiency.

Grit Size Application Roughness
12#-30# Heavy Grinding steel block parts, casting pasts.
36#-54# Surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, internal grinding and centerless grinding for rough processing. ~1.8
60#-100# Surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, internal grinding and centerless grinding on universal grinder and special purpose grinder. 1.6-0.2
120#-W20 Used for finishing, honing and thread grinding. 0.2-0.1
<W20 Finishing, ultra finishing and mirror finishing. 0.1-0.012

Hardness of Abrasives

Grade of Hardness Code
Big grade Small grade
Super Soft Super Soft D, E, F
Soft Soft 1 G
Soft 2 H
Soft 3 J
Medium Soft Medium Soft 1 K
Medium Soft 2 L
Medium Medium 1 M
Medium 2 N
Medium Hard Medium Hard 1 P
Medium Hard 2 Q
Medium Hard 3 R
Hard Hard 1 S
Hard 2 T
Super Hard Super Hard Y

Shape code of Grinding wheel

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